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Josh Gray

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  • in reply to: Shorter outdoor ME repeats vs Stairmaster #127033
    Josh Gray

    Well, I just finished my first ME session on the stairmaster and holy cow that was tough. Solid  leg burn the whole time. Decided to go with 40 lbs annd just 30 minutes before dropping pack annd moving to athe treadmill. HR stayed 10-15 beats under AeT.  I think based on your advice I’ll do the majority of my ME indoors and have a couple strategic up & down sessions on my steep hill. Thanks again Scott!

    in reply to: Achilles Tendon Pain #126946
    Josh Gray

    Thank you Dr. Andy! I’ll start doing them today. Much appreciated

    in reply to: Retest or estimate? #126830
    Josh Gray

    Ok I will start fitting some of those workouts in. And thanks for that link! Very inspiring! Thanks again for everything.

    in reply to: Retest or estimate? #126775
    Josh Gray

    Hey Scott!

    My last month of aerobic training has either been hiking up a 30-40% grade or jogging on very runnable trails. That length of grade and cadence/stride is not something I’ve encountered much at all this year.

    For that 20 minutes I may have been able to eek out 165 for the duration at most I believe.


    I know for sure I couldn’t train daily at 150, maybe for a few seconds each day but not steady. When I have trained Ive definitely trained at an “ultra-shuffle” for most of the past decade  no speed work whatsoever. Should I start including some Zone 3 or ME in my weeks going forward? I ended up purchasing the 24 week mountaineering plan to give me some better limits/structure and am starting in week 13 which looking at the previous weeks works out perfect for my previous 13 weeks of progression.


    thank again for your help!


    in reply to: Retest or estimate? #126756
    Josh Gray

    Hi Dominic, yes I was able to nose breath for the whole test. Yesterday I did 20 minutes steep uphill at 160-163 and had to mouth breath for the duration.

    in reply to: Retest or estimate? #126747
    Josh Gray

    I may have been wrong on the 1%. First 30 min I averaged 150 Bpm and second have averaged 153 Bpm so a 2% drift. Again this felt like a really hard effort for me, I’ve only drifted into 150ish a few time the last 3 years

    in reply to: Looking for feedback/critique on training outline #126440
    Josh Gray

    Thank you Scott. Super thankful for all the contributions and resources you’ve provided to the public.

    in reply to: TFUA Upper Body Program #126091
    Josh Gray

    I recently picked up the 60 pound version of this vest to complement my dumbbells & kettlebells  and have been reducing the weight to 40# and super setting elevated feet  push-ups & ring  pull-ups to break up between my box step up sets and step downs. Really happy I picked it up so I can do “max strength” protocols for all my exercises.

    in reply to: Programing Gym ME #125952
    Josh Gray


    I think I’m going to take your advice and just program a 6 week max block then devote a full 12 weeks to ME and tapering. Also gonna keep getting more easy biking in a lot of evenings. Started that this week and it’s really seemed to help me feel recovered after my first sprint session. I’ll try and retest my AeT & AnT in the coming weeks, I hope your right! Thanks again for the advice and dialog!

    in reply to: Programing Gym ME #125879
    Josh Gray

    Thanks again for the reply Andrew,

    I like your idea of a shorter max block. I currently don’t have access to barbells but last year I was dead lifting 1.8x BW and squatting 1.5x BW for 5 reps. Currently using a combination of kettlebells up to 2x24kg and a 27kg vest for lunges step ups and such. I can currently do 5 sets of 3-4 step-ups with about 67 kg. Bodyweight is currently at 80kg.

    I like the idea a incorporating more cycling in as recovery. That’s something that would be easy for me to implement.

    I haven’t done a drift or ANT test recently but based on a gas exchange test I did a few years ago, my HR (minus a few beats for age) and paces are getting closer to when I was within 10%

    What I was planning on doing with implementing ME was 5 weeks into my Max strength period shorten one of the gym max efforts and do a shortened version of the ME workout at the end, like only 2-3 sets. Then gradually increase one set a week (while completing a short max lift for maintenance) so by the time  I’m starting my ME period I’m at 4-5 sets of the exercises and hopefully accustomed to the stress enough to start doing water carries within the same week.

    Also I guess I should mention I will be incorporating tire drag sprints with one of my gym max sessions.

    in reply to: Programing Gym ME #125875
    Josh Gray

    Thanks for the reply Andrew,

    I’m currently training for mountain hunting for this coming September. I was at 8 hours last week and am finishing week 8 of my transition period. About to move into 8 weeks of max strength but being that I’m already relatively strong I was considering beginning a gym ME session midway into that period to prep for the later specific ME period. I’ve done ME for shorter periods in the past and am typically very sore for the 2 days after. I’m planning on doing more recovery with swimming but it just seemed I could possibly fit  in more  volume before i hit that doms period.

    in reply to: Questions regarding Max strength sprints #122365
    Josh Gray

    Wow Scott, thank you for the response. That not only answered my questions but gave even more to chew on. Thank you for always being thorough! Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving

    in reply to: Questions regarding Max strength sprints #122288
    Josh Gray

    Sorry should’ve mentioned! Mountain/ultra running and big game mountain hunting

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)