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Will Z2 stairs improve my running base?

Home Forums Running Will Z2 stairs improve my running base?

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  • #133435

    Will zone 2 training on a commercial stairstepper improve my Aerobic threshold when running (flat/rolling hills)?


    Josh Gray

    I’m also curious about this… Considering adding some Stairmaster sessions finished with 30-40 minutes running outside on flats to increase my aerobic volume without the added impact of running downhill (still getting my long run in the mountains)

    Avatar photoScott Johnston

    It depends…..Stair machines like the Stairmaster (escalator type) are great aerobic base training, and especially if you run hills a lot, the stairs will transfer over well to uphill running.  They probably won’t make you faster on the flats though.  But they are a great way to add non-impact foot-borne aerobic training volume.   More aerobic base training volume in a modality this close to running will help improve aerobic capacity.  Don’t expect it to make you much faster as a runner except uphill.


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