Training for mountaineers

Training for mountaineering encompasses many components: Aerobic capacity, upper and lower body strength, core strength, mobility, and balance are all important elements of the fitness profile you need to develop to be successful in the mountains. Many mountaineering objectives require you to sustain your performance for days, weeks, or months on end. Proper training, like the sport itself, takes a great deal of patience and commitment.
In the mountains, fitness equates to safety. The faster and more efficiently you are able to move, the safer you will be, period. Some routes offer only limited safe locations for breaks, and you often have to climb at a constant pace for several hours between snacks and sips of water. Objective hazards, such as rockfall and avalanches, can threaten sections of the route. Sometimes the only safe strategy for moving through these areas is to limit the time you spend in them, meaning you have to go as fast as you can without burning yourself out for the rest of the climb.
At Evoke we have coached hundreds of athletes to the summits of Denali, Rainier, Mt Blanc, Aconcaqua, and 8000m peaks including Everest. Our collective expertise in this field is unmatched, and no matter your goals one thing is true: the sooner you begin your training the better we can prepare you for success.