Thank you for the reply. I really appreciate it. When I started training about a year ago I was at 235. Miles and miles and miles of zone 2 sprinkled with steady state and a few sprints later I have noticed two things.
1. If you are not on top of your input you can still gain weight when you are running 6 days a week.
2. As the weight comes on you can see the pace slow and the hills get harder to do in Z2 with the extra weight.
I will make the weight my priority for the rest of winter and spring and hopefully as we head into summer I will be at a different place and look at picking up miles then.
In the meantime I will prioritize slow smart weight loss, more cycling for joint support, sprinkle in runs under an hour, and walking/rucking/hiking to maintain my endurance that I have built over the last year.
My last question, do ya’ll work with folks in my situation or is this not really what you do? If not is there any recommendation as to where I might reach out? My current doctor is great and super supportive, but it is the regular you have 10 minutes a visit, you better get it all in kind of thing.