Forum Replies Created
ParticipantMark – Thanks for the advice and the great paper on acclimitization. I’m kind of glad to hear that AMS symptoms at 10K are more common than what I read. I felt a bit abnormal and that was worrisome.
ParticipantScott – Thanks and I’ll send you the test data as requested. To answer your question most tests were a few days apart (minimum of 24 hours). Never did any tests back to back.
ParticipantScott – It was suffering. The way I describe it to people is that my battery gets drained to 1% in 3-4 hours and then it’s just grinding it out through willpower. But, I have been concerned that I don’t have a safety margin and my mental sharpness is lacking. I’m 3 weeks into base training and putting in about 8 hrs/wk so far and hoping to expand that a bit. I hired one of your coaches to help me with a custom plan. Thanks for the encouragement and the info was super helpful as well.
ParticipantBrian – I did do a 15-min warmup. Not sure why I put N/A there. I actually repeated the test again this morning at an even slower pace. With a starting HR of 120bpm I got a 4.1% drift. So I gues 120bpm is the top of my Zone 2 which is frustrating because that’s a little under my slowest running HR (125bpm)…so I’m at walk/run. Apparently I climbed Rainier, Hood, and Gannet Peak with really poor aerobic fitness. But, I did have some problems with those mountains.
My main goal was Denali in 18 months with an intermediate climbing trip to Ecuador in 7 months. I’m now wondering if I need to push everything back a year and just address my aerobic base problem or if I can do both at the same time? Obviously I want to be in good enough condition to be safe and successful on those mountains.
Participant@14rcole Thanks for the advice based on your experience. I am very still very confused about the results of my AeT test. I retook the test today at a slightly slower pace/HR and ended up with:
Warmup: N/A
1st Half: 125bpm
2nd Half: 141bpm
% drfit = 12.8%This is frustrating and I plan to redo the test yet again. My confusion is that the goal is to get ~5% HR drift to determine AeT so, according to this I would conclude that 125bpm is above my actual AeT for this type of exercise. But, this source (https://evokeendurance.com/aerobic-deficiency-syndrome-ads/) says “A very effective low-tech methods of ensuring you are not training at too high an intensity is breathing through your nose or carrying on a conversation while exercising. If you can do those things, you are, almost without a doubt, under your aerobic threshold and getting the maximum training effect for your aerobic metabolic system.”
Yet, throughout the entire AeT treadmill test I was 100% nose breathing and it felt like a very conversational pace. But, I got 12.5% drift. I’m having trouble reconciling these two things.