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Weekly allocation of Hill Sprints and Leg Strenth Workouts

Home Forums Training Theory/Methodology Weekly allocation of Hill Sprints and Leg Strenth Workouts

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    I’m trying to create an annual training plan as per the Training for the Uphill Athlete book. I’ve selected a Macro Plan from the book (48 week single 100m race build up) and I am trying to allocate the associated Base Period weekly workouts.

    Due to life limitations (work/commute/childcare) 2 workouts per day is difficult to achieve most days and most convenient options to achieve all the reccomended workouts are:

    1) Place Hill sprints (AM) followed by General (Leg) strength (PM) (later on this will become an ME WU in the PM)

    2) forgo the ‘day off’ and place one of the above 2 Workouts on the proposed day off (which comes after the week’s longest run).

    3) 2 back to back workouts in the PM – e.g. a Z1 run followed immediatley followed by a strength Workout

    I realise none of the above are ideal, but are any of these options viable from a physiological/adaptation standpoint? If option 1 is followed by a couple of easy Z1 days will the benefit of both these sessions be realised? Alternativley with option 2 is the day off ‘sacrosanct’ to fully realise the adaptations from the week’s accumulated workouts…?

    Any advice would be much appreciated, and thank you for all the great content!


    Mike (From Wales, GB, training for UTMB 2024, 2nd category not aerobically defficient athlete hoping to jump up from several years of 100Km to the 100mile distance).

    Josh Gray

    I’m very interested in the coaches views on this question as well. I will say one thing from personal experience. I had some good success during one of my blocks this past year incorporated tire sled sprints on a mellow hill not far from my house immediately followed by a shortened max strength session (3 work sets for two upper/lower couplets)

    Avatar photoScott Johnston


    Thanks for writing in with your questions.  Sorry for the slow reply.  I have too many plates spinning right now.  Great questions and you have hit on real challenges most of us face when we are trying to fit training around “life”.

    I like option 1 the best. Keeping the strength/power and later ME on one day makes sense as it will allow more time on other days to keep the aerobic volume up and or to have some recovery sessions or a day off.  I have used this often myself.  Strength/power in the AM followed by ME in the PM.  The AM session seems to wake up the legs nicely and I’ve not felt much lingering fatigue when hitting the ME session later.

    Not a big fan of skipping the day off so ditch option 2.

    Stacking back to back workouts like in option three can be done but if at all possible do the strength before the endurance.

    I hope this helps and good luck with the training.


    : That sort of stacking of power followed by max strength is a good combo. Smart move.





    Hi Scott,

    Many thanks for your response to the above question, it is very much appreciated and i will look to incorporate you reccomendation into my plan.

    As part of the planning phase i’ve been revisiting some of your old podcasts and a couple of days ago I came across your talk with the Physical Therapist Pete Dickinson where there was talk about success with doing the intervals workout and the Strength workout on the same day followed by a day off. Great Episode and Glad for the further confirmation above that this is the best option.

    @ Josh – thanks also for your feedback!

    All the best,



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