I am starting Week 5 of the Evoke 20 week intro to Ultra plan on Training Peaks and I have two quick questions
1. I did my first gym based Muscular Endurance work out as prescribed. In the write up, it was a suggested TSS of 150. I did the full workout and tracked my heart rate and came up with a 39 hrTSS according to either Garmin or Training Peaks. This appears to be significantly lower than required. I broke a sweat, got into about Zone 3, but recovered my heart rate during the rests. Maybe I am misunderstanding the TSS score. The workout felt good, didn’t kill me, but I’m feeling a bit sore. Just wanted to make sure I was getting the right stimulus.
2. Reviewing the Hill Sprints across the next several weeks, it appears that it is 1 set 8×12” sprints for all the work outs, yet there are instructions to “take 5 min easy stretching between sets”, but I never see a 2 set work out.. just wanted to make sure there was no progression to the hill sprints once the 8×12” is completed.
Thanks. I am enjoying the plan. Good variety and so far adequate recovery built in.