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Trimming First Ultra Plan

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  • #140318

    Hi again Evoke Forum!

    I had previously posted in here asking if it would be worth it to add extra Z2/base time into my First Ultra Plan after the first 4 week block. I ended up doing this, and ironically I’ve ended up jumping back into the plan (start of gym ME) 2 weeks too late!

    I’m wondering what the best way to trim the plan short would be to accommodate a race day 2 weeks prior to where my plan brings me. I assume I should be shifting the Week 19 – Taper Week back two weeks.. but I’m wondering what if there are other modifications that would be worth making (e.g. building back to back long run volume quicker).

    Happy to provide more background if it helps anyone give recommendations. Also happy to not provide it if unneeded :-).



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