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Training in Z1+2 in “other sports”

Home Forums Aerobic Assessment Training in Z1+2 in “other sports”

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  • #127684

    Hello everybody,


    Thank you all for this incredibly source of knowledge, it has helped my a lot to understand physiology and improve as an endurance trail runner. I have cartilage wear in my hip, so I am trying to reduce the amount of running hours and substitute them by bicycle hours. My question is: is it possible (and useful) to do part of my zone1+2 training with the bicycle although my target sport is running? The training in zones 1+2 is a kind of “transversal” that will help us in “any” sport? My feeling is that I can do part of the training in zone1+2 with the other sports (bicycle, swimming,…) but not the zone3+4, which I have to do it running.

    Sorry if my English is not very good, I hope I have been able to explain my doubts.


    Regards from Barcelona!



    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi,</p>

    Mitochondrial adaption is very local. So running is always better. That being said, if it helps you to increase volume, keep it.



    Avatar photoScott Johnston


    Dada is correct that running will be best but cycling can help you add non-impact volume when your legs are beat.  There are central (cardiac) adaptations that occur with high volume aerobic work that will help increase cardiac stroke volume even though cycling won’t benefit the peripheral muscle adaptations much.



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