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Strong enough but no aerobic capacity

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  • #140274

    Hey Evoke team,

    Some background context: I am currently training for the PNW volcano season, with the ultimate (lofty for me) goal of skiing Rainier in a day. I have been hitting the gym since the fall and have done a general strength phase and am wrapping up a max strength phase soon. I have read some forum topics on here and on UA, and it seems that my legs may be strong enough as I am doing the barbell box step ups and barbell (box) split squats at 125# (~215lb guy here, so just over 50% BW for those lifts).

    Based on what I have read, I am guessing my leg strength is probably sufficient for my goal, and I should focus on aerobic work and/or transitioning to ME work. However, I have been doing a very low volume of aerobic work, and am severely aerobically deficient.

    Clearly, I need a high volume of aerobic work over the next few months, and will primarily focus on that (i.e. 8+ hours/week). What I am wondering about is whether to continue max strength workouts (guessing maintenance, 1x/week?) while I ramp up my AeT, or whether it will be useful to start ME work now (using the gym based routine), despite having a very poor aerobic base.

    Let me know if it is easier to hop on a consult call to discuss this, otherwise thanks for reading!





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