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Strength training TFNA vs TFUA

Home Forums Training Theory/Methodology Strength training TFNA vs TFUA


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  • #126800
    Brandon MacMullin

    Why are the core and general/max strength routines in the TFNA book and mountaineering plans longer and more involved compared to the TFUA book where the strength training is limited to core, push ups/pull ups for those who are not deficient.

    Is it due to the need to carry a heavy pack?

    For day trip/overnight mountaineering and alpine rock objectives would it be fine to follow the TFUA framework?

    I am trying to determine if I really need to do all that gym work.


    Avatar photoScott Johnston

    The need for more core and upper body strength work for alpine climbing and mountaineering on steep (and technical) terrain with a heavy pack is greater than for running.

    BUT…and this is important.  Any strength training program should be individualized to your needs and weakness.

    I hope this helps.


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