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New Strength Builder in TrainingPeaks – opinions?

Home Forums Training Theory/Methodology New Strength Builder in TrainingPeaks – opinions?

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  • #135872
    Andrew Bollard

    Hi everyone,

    Like the title says. I like the new layout and being able to easily record sets/reps etc, but the inability to record a TSS for a strength session with the new builder, or any other GPS watch/HR monitor data for that matter, is baffling. I’d love to hear what any of the coaches think about this. Surely not being able to record TSS for strength sessions defeats the purpose of tracking strength training in TrainingPeaks?

    Avatar photoSeth Keena

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for writing in. The list of TP clunkiness seems nearly endless… A few weeks ago TP solicited feedback from coaches and listed TSS planned/completed as something they’re going to fix. For now, I create a blank strength workout below the new strength workout and input TSS into that workout. Annoying , but hopefully short-term. If watch data is relevant to the strength WO, it can go in that WO too.


    Andrew Bollard

    Hi Seth,

    Thanks for the reply. Interestingly, I think that’s the same survey that I was prompted to take despite not being a coach… more TP clunkiness I guess. I do something similar; an old Strength Builder session to record duration and TSS, and a new one to record sets and reps.

    On an unrelated note, I wanted to thank you again for the advice you gave me in April-May as I was getting ready for Chamonix in June. Unfortunately, as you may have heard there was still a ton of snow down to 2000m in June, so I got a grand total of 2 routes done over 10 days. Probably a more informative and beneficial experience in the long run though, than going out and getting a week straight of perfect weather without facing any hard decision-making.


    Avatar photoSeth Keena

    That is actually not too bad for a visitor and such stormy/snowy conditions. There were very limited ‘good weather’ windows for climbers last winter…skier were psyched!

    Good luck whenever you go back!

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