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My first AeT DIY

Home Forums Aerobic Assessment My first AeT DIY

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    Hi, my name is Alex. I picked up Splitboarding as my hobby of choice during wintertimes 2 years ago. I am 40 and chronically undertrained. So amazon recommended me Uphill Athlete and i bought the book. I listened to some UA podcasts and stumbled upon base endurance and zone 2 training and figured i am training completly wrong and ended up here.

    So on Sunday evening i did the aerobic threshold test outdoors. I rarley watch my HR so calculated via MAF formular that it should be around 130-135 (180 – 40 years old – 5 to 10 for not training regularly). I own a suunto watch to track my heart rate and got a trainingpeaks account premium trial. I did run in a park with no elevation.

    This is my Warmup

    This is my Test


    So when i look at the complete test i have a delta of 5,57%. But when I start at like 2 minutes in its at 4%. so i guess 132 would be an accurate result.

    I am actually going on a 4-week-splitboarding-trip starting in 3 weeks. Till now i was doing crossfit twice a week and on weekends i was doing light touring. to make the most out of the remaining 3 weeks should i just add Zone 2 Training in the mix or do you recommend the first 3 weeks of the 12-week mountaineering TP.

    I will eat through the Book comprehensively before next season, but i think i am not gonna make it in time for this trip.

    Happy for you feedback.


    Avatar photoScott Johnston


    Unfortunately, 3 weeks is not enough time to make significant changes in your aerobic capacity. I recommend using 132 for the top of Z2 and training as much volume as you can manage in the 120-132 range in the next few weeks.  Do this on a steep treadmill or stair machine if you do not have access to really hilly terrain. Cut your Crossfit to 1x/week and use that time for more aerobic volume.


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