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Longterm goal setting for Ultrarunners

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    Firstly, thank you for all of the educational material you make available.

    I would like to ask about long term goal setting for ultra running. For some years I have completed one big endurance goal each year, including ultramarathons and multi-stage events (roughly 30 miles repeated over several days). Despite completing some big (for me) events, I have realized that my training has lacked consistency over the long term, building to a big event over 6 months only to loose focus in the aftermath and become detrained.

    Now I want to take a more long term view, in anticipation of building to a big goal over the next 2 years. In summer or autumn of 2026 I would like to take on a mountainous 100+km run, most likely with circa 4000 to 6000 metres of elevation.

    In preparation for which, I am considering focusing on shorter events in 2025. The idea being to build up key fisical attributes such as speed, strength and endurance without taking on any individual events which require too taxing an effort. The plan is to enter a 25km trail race in the spring on hills (circa 500m elevation) and a sky race in the late summer with approx 30km and 2000 metres elevation.

    The idea being to end this year (2024) establishing consistent training while building my base and general strength. Then prioritizing running speed and endurance over rolling/ hilly terrain ahead of the spring race. I would then look to build upon that fitness with a focus on the vertical gain into the summer event.

    Is this a sensible way to structure a season where I would like to build fitness in anticipation of a much longer, almost a bucket list for me, event in the long term? And does building in this order make sense, pace first then vertical ability?

    I will likely engage in some coaching consults to iron out the details, but would appreciate some high level views before paying any entry fees for specific events.

    Avatar photoScott Johnston

    This is a great strategy.  It seems like a lot of ultra runners pack their racing schedule so full that there is little time for the training they really need in order to perform at their best.  You’ve identified several qualities you need to address and with the long training blocks between races you’ll have plenty of time to develop those qualities.   Don’t forget to add to the list of qualities you need to prepare, fueling and gear.

    Good luck, and stay in touch.



    Thank you Scott, that’s just the reassurance that was needed. Will certainly stay in touch for further planning and preparation. For now, I am sticking with the Military Athlete Foundational plan for some winter base building. At some stage, the training will have to become more specific to trail running but for the time being I am enjoying having two dedicated strength days.

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