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Increasing VO2Max?

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    currently I have been doing – again – the 24week training plan from your formal company and into the 11week and realized that I don’t have to run that much based on the plan, especially in the anaerobic zone. Currently my VO2Max is indicated at 51 (not tested in a laboratory) and not sure how I can increase it, if I really need to increase it. In general I can do a lot, like hike 4-5000m gain in a day, run 60-70km in a day while gain 3000m, ski 50km in day, SUP 31hours with 40 min stop only, etc but now I plan to go to Argentina and hopefully summit Aconcagua solo. So my question is that shall I do some high intensity short runs to try to increase my VO2Max, and if yes, where do I place it in the plan?

    Thanks for any advice, and good luck with the company!


    Avatar photoScott Johnston


    Great question and one I hear a lot. I have written a lot about this topic. Rather than re-write all that here can you access my last book Training for the Uphill Athlete please read the part on pages 56 and 57. If you have Training for the New Aplinism please read pages 102 and 103. There I explain in detail why I think it is a mistake to focus on raising the maxVO2. It is just one number and we are far too complex to be accurately defined by one number. It is not one that correlates all that well with performance. Your speed at the anaerobic to lactate threshold correlates much closer to performance. I have coached some World Cup Nordic skiers with maxVo2 values that say they should not be competitive but in fact they were beating skiers with much higher maxVO2 values. I have heard it said this way: Having a high maxVO2 is like getting invited to the high school dance. You got in the door, but that alone does not guarantee that you get to dance with the prettiest girl. Does Kilian’s high maVO2 help him? Yes, but is that what allows him to win races, probably not. I would focus on improving the things that correlate better with performance: Running economy and speed at lactate threshold (either skinning uphill, running, or whatever modality you are most trying to improve.
    Please read those book sections I really think they will help you.


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