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How to include speedwork to Base training

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  • #127403


    i am “forever base” kind of guy, i mean i won’t be doing specific phase in any foreseeable future.

    So i am pretty sure i need to add speed work (already notice i am getting bit “slower”).

    However i can’t figure to which training session i should add it.


    My typical week is:

    Monday AM                 60-90min heavy weight lifting (heavy backsquat incl.)

    Monday PM                 90min sauna+coldpool

    Tuesday AM                60min climbing gym

    Tuesday PM                30-60min Z1-2 running (400m up&down, 8km distance on nasty technical trail)

    Wednesday AM          60min Z1-2 running (400m up&down, 8km distance on nasty technical trail)

    Thursday AM              60min climbing gym

    Thursday PM              60min Z1-2 gym cardio (20min run treadmill, 20min boxsteups + 12kg, 20min 15% incline treadmill walk)

    Friday AM                  60-90min heavy weight lifting (heavy deadlifts incl.)

    Friday PM                   90min sauna+coldpool

    Saturday  Midday      3-5h long z1-2 run (25-40km distance, 900-1500m up&down on nasty technical trail, 5kg running vest)

    Sunday  AM                60min climbing gym

    Sunday PM                  paddleboard, slackline, easy hike, yard work … kind of activities

    .. on most “non sauna” days i do 30-60min easy stretching/yoga before sleep


    I cant figure where to add the speedwork. Only time my legs feel kinda fresh is Saturday, but adding speedwork in the middle of long run with vest seems like asking for injury to me..


    p.s.: sorry for my english, i am not native speaker

    p.s.s: i know i have too much “strenght” in the programming, but i come from strenght sports background (powerlifting, crossfit, bjj) and on HRT+ so it doesnt wreck my brain and muscles recover nicely (vertebrae, tendons and ligaments are complaining a bit lol)

    p.s.s:  my speed (times it take to cover same distance at same HR) didnt improve in last 10 months at all, but i gained (intentionally) 6kg and added the vest for long runs… is it good a progress?

    Max Krause

    Hi, I’m not the expert here and someone else may have much more perspective.

    I think it may be a good idea to not think of just adding more sessions to make progress. You can only handle so much work. So even if you have free time to fill just adding more work isn’t going to lead to progress.

    If you think you’ll get a benefit from doing speed work but your legs are always tired then you may want to replace one or two sessions with the speedwork. And I personally definitely wouldn’t do it on my long runs, they have enough impact by themselves.

    Max Krause

    Probably also worth adding that I don’t think that reducing your base training is the answer.

    Avatar photoScott Johnston


    Your English is excellent.

    Max has the right idea: Do not reduce your aerobic base training.  I will only add a few comments.  Doing most of your running uphill, on rough trails, and with a weight vest will not make you faster. Get rid of the weight vest on your runs. Running with a weight vest has a high injury risk and will make you slower.  You might want to read this  Running fast is a special kind of strength training. I would replace one of your general strength sessions with hill sprints and add strides to your Thursday gym cardio.



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