Hi everyone,
last year, I completed my first ultra marathon with a 50k. This year I want to push myself a bit further, so I signed up for a 70k in September. I really enjoyed the evoke endurance training plans and the Trainingpeaks app for my preparations last year (although I mainly trained for mountaineering with a mountaineering-specific training plan). I would like to use another training plan from the store again but I am not sure which running-specific plan is better suited for my goal.
Would you recommend going with the “First Ultra” or the “Luke Nelson 100 Miler” training plan as a base? I will have to customize either one but I would really appreciate if you could weigh in on this decision. The race I want to train for is a 70k/4000m vertical event in the Austrian Alps. Thank you very much for all the feedback!
Have a great day and best regards,