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2h Z2 workout

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  • #121133

    Dear all,

    I really enjoyed the article about the AeT assessment using the heart rate drift. Here is my question.

    Let’s assume I aim at a 2h workout in Z2 and I nailed the starting heart rate based on the heart rate drift. E.g. after a 10min warm-up I had a HR of 135 and after 70min I reached 142 HR (assuming same pace, flat terrain, etc). Now, in order to stay within Z2 for the rest of the workout (50min), shall I reduce the pace to drop to the 135 HR or is it fine to reduce the pace only as much as to stay around 142 HR? The aim is improve the aerobic capacity.

    Thanks a lot


    Got it. Of course the heart rate drift is only for assessing the AeT. When I want to do a 2h Z2 workout, I should continuously adjust the pace not exceed the threshold. In the example above 135 HR.

    Sorry for the noise.

    Avatar photoMark Postle

    Sounds like you’ve got this figured out but yes in this example your AeT would be 135. Any aerobic capacity work should be done below this number and pace adjusted as needed. One thing that is very common for me for these 2 hour sessions is I will start out in lower Z2 (around 125 for example) and with some natural drift over the course of the 2 hours I will finish at the top of zone 2. This will result is fairly even pacing over the workout duration and not much need for slowing to keep HR in Zone 2.


    Hi Mark,

    thank you for the follow-up and also thank you for the advise how to deal with the natural drift. I find it also easier to run a more or less constant pace instead of regularly adjusting the pace.

    So long

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