Background: Last spring/summer I trained for and ran a 50k in October 2022. A week later my wife and I started training for and ran a marathon at the end of March 2023. Through out that time I was also lifting pretty consistently. It was a 3 day split (legs, back and bi, chest & tri). Legs consisted of heavy squatting (5×5) followed by single leg variations as found in the Uphill athlete book. I trained legs up until the month of the event at which point, I laid off the weights for legs.
The past 3 weeks I’ve reduced running to like 3 times a week and reintroduced weight lifting for legs.
Now: My wife and I just recently signed up for a guided Mountaineering trip up Mt. Baker at the end of June. This gives us roughly 8 weeks to train.
I bought the 12 week program, how can I go about adjusting it to 8 weeks?
Do I,
- Start from the beginning and follow along up until the trip?
- Skip the first 4 (transition weeks) weeks and start at week 5
- Start at week 1 but adjust the weight lifting? ie. start max strength lifts
Looking forward to reading our thoughts and suggestions.